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Create your business vision

A free workshop where we will map out your magnetic business vision and exact profit plan plus get rid of all the blocks holding you back so that you know exactly where you are going, you feel excited and confident and stop procrastinating on creating your dream life and business

Have you been wanting to start your profitable & purpose-driven online business for a while? But somehow ...

  • You don't do the things that you write on your to-do list every week even though you know they would drive your business forward

  • You feel too depleted after a long work day to sit on your computer, work on your new website or post on social media

  • You have downloaded so many freebies and attended trainings about starting an online business and marketing but you still feel stuck and like you don't know enough

  • You are doubting yourself and your abilities to create the success that you see others achieve 

What if instead ...

  • ​You had a clear and magnetic vision for your life and your business that pulls you towards it and makes taking action feel easy, exciting and natural

  • You had a solid profit plan showing you exactly what so sell and when so that you can leave your 9-5 and focus just on a business that lights you up every day

  • You cleared out all the energetic blocks, limiting beliefs, fears and blocks holding you back from living the life you dream of - no more procrastination or "shoulds" but aligned, easeful and fun action!

Join us for the FREE "Create your business vision" Workshop
on Thursday, November 4th 10am ET / 3pm CET

You will get:

Sign me up!

Presented by Elisa Becker,
Psychology based business coach for new and aspiring entrepreneurs

Through the experience with her 1:1 coaching clients and as a psychologist and NLP master practitioner, Elisa know exactly what motivates people to take action and what is holding them back. She uses all of her knowledge and experience to do what she feels most passionate about - inspiring others to live life to the fullest!

sign up form

Frequently asked questions

1. What if I can't make it to the live sessions?

While I know you will get the MOST out of both the workshop and the group coaching session if you attend them live with all of us, I know that sometimes life gets in the way. This is why there will be replays of both available for you to watch until the end of November!

2. Can I join if I am not yet clear about what my offer is about?

YES, absolutely!! You don't need to have an offer right now or even know what your offer will be to get massive value from this workshop! In fact, going through the process and the exercises that I provide will help you to get clearer about what it is you want to offer in your business and what feels most aligned for you there!

3. I have attended so many free trainings and most of them are so fluffy! How is this one different? I don't want to waste my time!

I 100% hear you on this! I myself have attended way too many free webinars when I first started my business in 2018 and I absolutely hated when I felt like I had just waisted an hour of my life! This is why I have chosen everything very carefully in this workshop to make sure you are getting the most value out of. From the date I have chosen (the day of the new moon where you will be energetically supported to envision your future) to the workbook and profit plan where you will walk away with an actual tangible result, everything is very intentional! Plus, our group coaching session is something that is normally a paid service... but since I know that when you map out your big vision in that way, fears can creep up, I want to give you this added bonus to truly support you in the best way possible!

4. This all sounds amazing! How is that free? Why is that free?

I absolutely could charge you a thousand bucks for this! The workshop, group coaching and materials are absolutely worth that. And while I would love to welcome you in one of my paid offers as well in the future (or maybe you already are one of my clients! Hi there!!), I also believe in giving back to my community. I don't take it lightly that you are trusting me with your time and energy and I always want to give you the very best I can. 

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