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Meet Lisa

Intuitive Business and Success Coach

Hi there, nice to meet you! My name is Elisa, but my friends call me Lisa.

I am the proud mama to 4 cats who loves all things self-development, yoga, breathwork, astrology ... and a good homemade tiramisu!


I started my entrepreneurial journey 6 years ago when I was moving to the south of France.I instantly knew that I wanted to support women and help them live their best, most self-expressed, and successful lives. But my business went through numerous iterations, from offering pure self-development to more strategic business coaching to a more spiritual and intuitive way of coaching. 

And I love this journey for me. I am not the same person I have been 6 years ago when I started this crazy journey, I am so much more confident in myself and my value as a coach, I trust my intuition over anything that self-proclaimed experts share on the internet, and I am no longer worrying about what others might think about me (which if you are a recovering people pleaser like me, you KNOW how big this is!).


I love nothing more than authentic connection and community. So if you feel called to connect, just send me an email and tell me more about you and your goals!


My story


I graduate University with a master degree in psychology … and have no idea what to actually do with my life. I only know that I want to experience it ALL!


With some years of work experience I finally KNOW that I want to start something on my own, I want to be an entrepreneur, I want to teach and coach and inspire people. But it is so scary at the same time to take that leap of faith. I got really lucky there and actually landed a job doing what I love: teaching and facilitating workshops for top leaders, showing them how to improve their communication and leadership skills.


Hundreds of hours of workshop and coaching experience later, I have enough confidence in myself and my coaching skills and I finally take the leap of faith to start my OWN coaching business (plus moving to south of France to be with my love - yes it seems straight out of a romance movie, and I'm here for it LOL)


Since starting my online business I learned through countless courses and other coaches I hired how online businesses work, (some more helpful than others), I got certified in NLP to bring even more value and tools to my coaching clients, I worked on balancing business and enjoying life and time off and I supported numerous clients to be more confident in themselves, move through fears and thought patterns holding them back, and take action as the successful CEOs of their businesses! 


And most importantly I love to get up in the morning inspiring other women to leap into THEIR dream life & business, and help them to start and grow a thriving business that they are absolutely passionate about!

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