This is for you if you are a coach, a healer, an expert (or if you desire to be one) who wants to deeply serve other humans in a meaningful way.
Maybe you feel like you have already tried all the things ... all the trends, all the strategies and so-called "hacks" to grow your business online but nothing seems to move the needle forward.
Maybe you are tired of putting in all of those hours of work and seeing little to no results.
Maybe you have signed a client here and there but you feel like you don't really know how to fill up your coaching or healing practice reliably with your soul-aligned clients.
And maybe you have even thought about just giving up on this dream of yours and going back to or staying with your current 9-5.
I deeply get that. And I want you to know that those ups and downs, those doubts along the way, they are normal. They are so often part of the journey to success (I know that was the case for me.) But I also know that with the right kind of support, with someone in your corner who helps you to know where to put your focus, how to stay strong when you feel like giving up and how to build your solid foundation in a way that feels truly aligned for you, everything is possible. Yes - everything is possible for you!
Hi, have we met?
Hi there, I am Lisa, a holistic business coach with a masters in psychology and 4+ years of experience in the online coaching industry. I use my unique Mind-Body-Action approach to help my clients start and grow their businesses, make more money, and do the work they truly care about.
My goal is it to support you in building a thriving coaching or healing business that not only gives you the income and impact you desire but that also feels amazing and is aligned with who you really are!
I am absolutely passionate about helping create a world where we all dare to dream, where we encourage each other to thrive and where connectedness, fullfillment and joy are our guiding lights.​

Meet my client Laura
Meet my client Naaznin
Imagine ...
​Serving your dream coaching clients and getting massively compensated for it
Finally leaving your 9-5 that doesn't fulfill you anymore and feeling truly connected to your purpose
Feeling confident, trusting yourself and KNOWING how to attracts new clients
Being clear on what sets you apart from other coaches and feeling anchored in your unique message that is in alignment with you, your values and personality so that you can reach your income goals in a way that feels truly good to you
Being able to show up consistently in your business! No more stop and go, no more overwhelm!
Selling your services with ease, integrity and confidence
Creating true abundance through your business AND enjoying your life at the same time
I see you
I know how hard it feels when you are in the (messy) middle of creating your service-based business (cue all the self-doubts, am I right?)
I know that sometimes it seems like while other people can do it, it just won't work out for you.
I know how we can stay stuck in that loop of thinking that you don't yet know enough about online marketing and so you keep participating in all the free trainings, investing in courses and adding on new strategies and yet another thing on your to-do list without seeing the results you desire.
I know that so often we get into the mindset of "Maybe I am not as good as a coach" and so you invest in another certification that you only leave you feeling in student mode instead of stepping into your thought leadership role that would attract your community and clients to you...
... Let's stop that here, ok?
This is your sign that you are already enough, you have everything in you that you need in order to make your business work! You just need to see that yourself, decide on a strategy that works for you and step into the energy of the successful coach or healer that you are meant to be!
My Mind-Body-Action Approach that gets you anything you want:
Your thriving business starts with making decisions around what your offers are, what your strategy is and how you want to market and sell your beautiful offers to your ideal clients.
When it comes to marketing and strategy, there truly is no one-size-fits-all because we are all different. We have different offers, different experiences, a different vision, a different audience ... So why should there be one strategy that works for everybody?!
With me as your coach, we are working on creating the unique marketing strategy that works for YOU specifically! No cookie-cutter approach, no "you HAVE to do that"! We are diving deep into what makes sense for YOU! Taking action from that point not only feels authentic to you but it will also create the success you desire long-term!
Plus, any marketing strategy is just as powerful as the person implementing it. Creating an empowered mindset, working through your fears and limiting beliefs is integral to make your actions not only effective but you will also feel much better in the process. Whether you unconsciously are pushing clients away or you get into perfectionism and find yourself in a constant stop-and-go cycle with posting on social media, we will dive deep into what is REALLY going on and how to move forward with confidence, strength and joy!
Specifically we'll be working on:
Creating your unique client path
During the six months of your VIP coaching experience we will create a way to attract your dream clients that is unique and authentic to YOU! A client path is the journey you take someone on from first discovering you to ultimately becoming your client. Having a client path that works for you reliably is the key to long-term sales and sustainability in your business because you KNOW how to sign new clients.

Creating unstoppable confidence
You want to know the magic pill to effectively communicate the value of your services? Confidently knowing yourself that whoever will work with you, is the luckiest person alive! That level of conviction about the transformation you offer as a coach, healer or expert is the game-changer for any promo post on social media or sales call. But here is the thing: Surface level affirmations like " I am an amazing coach" will only get you so far. Together we will dive DEEP and create the belief in yourself and your service in your very core!

Aligned content creation
A big part of your marketing as an online coach or healer is showing up on social media and connecting with your community and future clients. You'll probably already know the gist here but just to be clear: Content marketing works when you are able to show up authentically and when you enjoy it (not when you try to hack the algorithm and feel overwhelmed and miserable in the process!). We will work on making your social media platform a place where you WANT to show up and where it feels easy to be consistent through a content creation system that combines structure with strategy AND allows for inspired ideas simultaneously.

Your body and how you are feeling have not only a huge impact on how you act (and thus the results you get), but it also holds immense wisdom that few of us know how to use. Getting your body on board with your goals means letting yourself feel whatever emotions are coming up for you, actually moving through those instead of pushing them down, calming your nervous system, and consciously creating the feelings and emotional state that will push you toward your desires. In a society that is often trained to only be logical, to not trust their bodily cues, and to shame emotions and vulnerability, this is not an easy thing to do. But I promise you, getting your full body on board with making more sales will be a game-changer!
Specifically we'll be working on:
Working through emotions in a healthy way
Let's be real, starting and growing your own business can be tough! There will be challenges, and those challenges will probably bring up feelings of anger, disappointment, frustration, or sadness. For your well-being AND in order for you to reach your big, beautiful biz goals, it's is so important to not make those emotions wrong, but to work through them in a healthy and safe way. I'll support you to clear what is coming up for you so that you can move forward with fresh, vibrant energy.

Strengthening the power of your intuition
Your body holds immense wisdom. I fully believe that your gut and your intuition is always guiding you in the right direction. It's just that in our society you may have unlearned to listen to that inner powerhouse of yours. I'll help you to tune out the noise and to refocus on your inner truth and the voice that will guide you towards your wildest dreams in a way that is exactly the right one for you specifically!

Preventing burnout and learning to thrive
As a coach, healer, or mentor, your energy is your most important asset in your business. Together, we'll set healthy boundaries around your work life, schedule in clean rest, and focus on how you are feeling and how you are taking care of yourself. Because THIS is the way to build a successful business that is serving your clients in a big way and that is here to stay!

No business can thrive when you don't take focused, consistent and intentional action. Now, does that mean you have to do more to see more results? Absolutely not! But it does mean that you have to become aware of your patterns when it comes to things like procrastination, jumping from one idea to another, or busy work that will lead you nowhere. When you work with me, I'll support you in creating your version of consistency, in showing up powerfully for your business and taking the action steps that will actually lead to big results!
Specifically we'll be working on:
Define your needle movers
Is your business to-do list filled with endless tasks? I hear you! And here is the good news, not all of those tasks are things that will actually move the needle forward, so together we'll prune your list and creating massive clarity around which specific action steps will actually lead to new sales, clients, and revenue in your business.

Creating your CEO schedule and systems
Your business will become a well-oiled machine when you create a schedule for yourself that include your needle movers (and get rid of busy work) and add systems and structures that support you.
I'll help you figure out how this could look like specifically for you so that it will not only become super easy to take action consistently but it will also feel fun and inviting to do so!

Celebrating your wins
With focused, consistent and intentional action comes results! And we are going to celebrate those BIG TIME! You'll see people your engagement on social media go up, your audience grow, and people reaching out asking how they can work with you! Together, we'll celebrate every step of the way because this is what will keep you going and create self-trust that will become your ultimate superpower. Soon enough, you'll hit your next income goal knowing that whatever goal you set next, is already yours!

What you'll get
18 weekly one-on-one calls via zoom (1 hour each), 3 calls per month with 1 week off for implementation
YES, we will not only get super clear on your exact action steps, but I'll also hold you massively accountable in actually taking those​
Unlimited voice message support via voxer during the six months we work together
Whether you have a simple question, want to share a win, you feel resistance coming up, need a reframe or you just need to hear that you can do it - I am there for you every step of the way!​
My eyes on you and your biz: I am looking over your website copy and social media content to give you personalized and detailed feedback
Additional exercices, tools and homework as needed

It is time for your big dreams to become reality
Your investment
Pay-in-full: 5333,-€
(around 5900,-US$ depending on the conversion rate)
Payment plan available!
Because I want this to be as accessible as possible you can choose to pay in
6 monthly payments of 899,-€
(around 990,-US$ depending on the conversion rate)
*prices in euros, conversion into your currency during the PayPal payment
Ready to start your dream life and biz?
I have limited spots available. If you feel drawn to the VIP Business Coaching, schedule your free discovery call with me below. The discovery call is completely free and doesn't obligate you to anything. It is so important for both you and I to see if we are a good fit before working together.
If we both decide that this is the perfect kind of support for you, I will send you the payment link, our coaching agreement and access to my calendar so that you can schedule your first session!
Still have questions?
I want you to be a "Hell YES!" when it comes to investing and working with me. That is why, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an email clicking HERE. I'd love to support you in making the best decision possible for your business.
Client love
"Working with Elisa was an absolute joy!
I cannot describe how much it helped me to take the next step in my journey to run my own business.
Whenever I felt stuck or fearful of the future Elisa knew all the techniques needed to help me push through.
Some days I didn’t feel like going on the call. Because I still didn’t believe in myself and that I deserved to do this. Yet I always showed up and Elisa was able to completely turn around my view on my problems. Her energy is truly radiating and always lit a fire inside me to keep going for my dreams.
I am forever grateful to have met her and that I was able to work with her! I am certain that I will work with her again in the future.
Until then, thank you so much Elisa! Because of our work together I believe in my own strength and trust in myself."
Sonja V.
"One of the most powerful coaching moments of my life thus far. (...) Lisa was able to use her own intuition and ask questions to help me hear my own to guide me in such practical ways. In the past, I have always either received very practical steps OR spiritual guidance from coaches. Lisa was able to give me BOTH. She is so so skilled and AMAZING at what she does."
Monica D.
"I came to Elisa because I had a sense of "chaos" in my business. I felt I was not bringing across the message I wanted to have my audience understand what I can support them with as a Coach and Elisa helped me find the red thread and to bring together all those pieces I had into one coherent strategy.
Her way of making strategy feel good to ME was exactly what I needed support on and I am amazed how much we covered in just one session!!!"
Daria M.
"Working with Lisa has helped me focus on what I need to do to reach my goals and to feel fulfilled. With her coaching support, I have transitioned from a stressful job (that was impacting my health) into becoming a writer (my lifelong dream). Also, our work together has helped me to prioritize myself and my needs so that I am a better partner, mother, and friend (to myself and others).
I specifically love how Lisa is able to use a variety of strategies to keep me on track and accountable while encouraging me to be more compassionate rather than always being critical of myself.
Lisa’s unique coaching style has been instrumental in helping me change the trajectory of both my personal and professional growth and to make me excited about my life again! Thank you, Lisa. I could not have done it without you!"
Nina D.
"The purpose of my 3 month coaching with Lisa was to find my real passion and build a career on it, next to my main job as a marketing manager - a job I was and still am happy with but that I was not as passionate about as I would have liked to be. Lisa helped me unlock my dreams and gave me the means to achieve them, as well.
I especially enjoyed the coaching calls with her, which were very diverse and included exercises like meditations or creating mind maps but also very intense talks that challenged me and brought out sides of myself I did not even know existed.
Thanks to Lisa, not only did I find my true passion and am now building my career as a family photographer, but also learned how to overcome any obstacles along the way, mainly the ones I tend to form myself (hello self-doubt and perfectionism!). I applause myself for booking that coaching with her and would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to find his true career purpose and passion!"
-Victoria B.
"The coaching with Elisa has supported me particularly in finding the guiding theme of my life and in getting to know my personal challenges better thanks to the empathetic reflection with her. Elisa has a great, considerate approach and can easily empathize with her clients, so that one has the feeling of talking to a good friend. The time has supported me in a difficult phase of life, in the middle of upheaval between two jobs to get my inner alignment and clarity about my future path. Through the coaching, I felt empowered and built inner resources to finally, after a year, register my freelance business. What I particularly admired is that she does not simply reel off a program, but always adapts to the needs and is fully present in the matter, at the same time the coaching has always exuded a certain lightness and joy."
- Maria K.
"Thank you so much for working with me to bring my dream business into reality! When I first signed up for the call I was quite nervous and didn't know what to expect. As soon as we were on the call I felt at ease and could relax completely. You gave me so much room for my dreams and made them possible for me to achieve! Before our meeting I had no clue what my business would be and now I can see it clearly and am excited to get started. Having a concrete plan for the next six months is giving me so much peace and confidence around the whole business creating process. I loved working with you and am sure I will seek you out again if I ever run into a roadblock along the way."
- Sonja V.
"Lisa has a peaceful presence and she listens with great depth and care about what your true values and desires are. She asks poignant questions to help you identify how you are meant to share your gifts and passions in the world. If you have been struggling to find clarity on your purpose and career path in life then book a Clarity Call with Lisa. In a short amount of time she helped me gain clarity and gave me a focused direction to take on my purpose in life. I am so grateful for Lisa and her ability to see beyond my overflow of ideas and really help me breakdown what matters most to me. I feel relieved and excited for what's to come now ! Thank you Lisa!"
- Kelly K.
"In one call, Elisa helped me get clear on what career I wanted to pursue. It was a relief for me to finally have clarity to pick just ONE thing and feel confident in my decision. I was a bit nervous to get on the call because it was my first time talking with a coach but Elisa made me feel at ease right away, she is so down to earth I felt no pressure at all the whole time. If you're feeling lost, definitely get on a call with her!“
- Amanda L.